Spiritual response Therapy, Redivining the Matrix

Spiritual response therapy works by accessing the akashic records in the quantum field of the soul and the spirit. We have lived many lifetimes through darkness and light and we have accumulated many blockages on our journey through the quantum field. We have made many contracts, vows, oaths, agreements, curses,and then we wonder why we keep attracting the same lessons and people time and time again.

Poverty vows made in other lives are contained in a sacred scroll in our records replaying scarcity and lack lifetime after lifetime, we make money and lose it just as quick or fail to really get in alignment with money. Soulmate contracts made many lifetimes ago can result in mismatching or problems finding a relationship now if the person hasn’t reincarnated in this lifetime.

On an even higher level know we are programmed by source to experience duality and when we are ready to step into our light and mastery working with source energy through SRT these programmes can be upgraded. It really is light magic at the highest level.

Redivining the matrix is a beautiful modality developed by An SRT master and works with our sacred Kundalini energy releasing all blocks from the souls quantum field. This works on body programmes and trapped pain,our brain, our heart programmes. It facilitates the release of deep deep trauma both present day, galactically , pastlives and interdimensionally.

Both modalities work by assessing the higher self and the high self team using a pendulum and charts and facilitating the upgrades with our light team. It is important that the highest channel is invoked or the work will not be light based. We are only as pure as the channel we invoke and that involves wisdom in that connection.

I use both of these modalities coupled with my soul realignment training and all of my other 25 years of energy work to help you make the changes you desire and step into the light and future you crave.