

Working with your Guardian Angel


An Angel is a Light Being that is a messenger and helper from God our Divine Mother/Divine Father or the Universe what ever your belief system is.There are many different groups of Angel each performing different roles, your Guardian Angel is your unique special Angel that has being assigned to you as your individual Angel when your soul agreed to enter the earth plane.Your Guardian Angel can also change from time to time depending on the different roles that you may be fulfilling and taking on and the level of guidance and expertise you may need.

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Many people consider that their loved ones who have passed over may be their Guardian Angel and although Angels are said to never have had a human life (with the exception of Arch-Angel Metratron and Arch-Angel Sandalphon) there are many Earth Angels who walk amongst us known as Light Workers. So it could well be the case when they pass over that the fulfil that role as a protector and a guide.Light workers appear in all forms of life, they are mothers, healers, nurses,teachers in fact anybody you have met in life who has helped to “lighten your load” or inspired you is likely to be a light worker fulfilling their earthly mission.


As Humans when we entered the earth realm we came here with the concept of free will. This simply means we came as creators, as a part of God our Creator in Human form, as the bible teaches made in his image and likeness. Our Angel will never interfere with this contract of free will unless we ask for their help. I guess they think we have it covered, the phrase I am not waving I am drowning comes to mind!. However once we do start to connect with our Angel and ask for help and guidance boy do they start to help and show up. I now ask shamelessly for help and guidance every day not only in my work but for help with my children and my role as a mum, tasks I need to complete, lost objects, Car spaces, helping me to forgive another, you name it I ask and I receive.



After asking for helping or putting out the question a random thought or the answer can sometimes just come into your head and you suddenly know the solution. Your Angel has gently planted the answer in your subconscious mind.This one can be tricky as we can doubt ourselves or our Angel thinking we have made it up but they more open we become the more we will learn to trust our guidance.


A stranger may suddenly appear and be able to offer you help or advice with the issue you have sent out or an old friend may suddenly call or get back in touch and you receive the answer or help. Your Angel is working through other people.


A magazine article or a TV programme may suddenly come into your space and you will wonder how you were just pondering this very thought and somebody has written guidance on it.


My Angels tend to work with me a lot in the dream state as that is when we are in the subconscious state and more susceptible to listen as our logical mind our biggest defender is taking a rest. Keep a notebook by your bed and record any profound symbols or messages you received in dreams before you forget them.



If you suddenly keep finding white feathers this is one of the signs from your guardian angel that they are near. I love to talk to my angel when walking in nature and suddenly see a random floating feather, it always makes me smile as I know they have heard me and are saying hello back.

Feather, Bird Feathers, Down


A sudden sweet smell like a perfume or a flower suddenly appearing without any explanation and constantly returning that is so strong and strange that is catches your attention could be another sign of their presence.

Rose, Plant, Tender, Nature, Rose Bloom


A sudden temperature change such as a feeling of coldness around your shoulders or a shivering feeling is another indicator of your Angels presence. I like to think of this as my angel wrapping their wings around my shoulders and giving me an often much needed hug.

Angel, Heaven, Purity, Girl, White


Butterflies and birds that appear and hover are another beautiful sign.

Butterfly, Stars, Night, Fantasy


Constantly finding silver coins on your path are said to be a gift of abundance from the angelic realm.

Coin, Silver, Money, Currency, Business

So why don’t you get started today? and start having that inner dialogue with your angel and watch the beauty and magic of the angelic realm start to unfold for you and enrich your life for the better.


Clearing and Protecting your energy

We all energy beings in constant interaction with each other sharing each others experiences in life whether these be good or bad ones. As no saying goes “no man is an island”.If we were to examine the human body under a microscope we would not see a solid mass but rather a series of moving cells and an energy force. We also have an energy field around us called our human aura all living things including plants have a field.
Aura, Chakra, Color, New Age, Center

Our energy fields and our energy therefore are never really our own we are constantly picking up other peoples stuff which is fine if it is uplifting and light but not so good if it involves heavy or low draining emotions. We have all had an experience of being with an individual who you feel totally drained after speaking to or spending time with.This is an issue in particular for Therapists and healers who are interacting either hands on or counselling individuals. It is a good thing to help others on their path but not at the expense of depleting your own energy supply.

There are many ways recommended for energy clearance these are the ones I favour.

1) Taking an Epsom salt bath at the end of your day with some lavender oil drops. Epsom salt is a very effective way of cleansing the body and also gives the added bonus of a magnesium boast.

2) Crystal energy is also very effective at both cleansing and protecting our personal space and our environment. Crystals such as clear quartz the master healer can be programmed to do this whilst crystals such as black tourmaline,smokey quartz and obsidian come supplied with their very own protective programming.

Crystal, Rock, Mineral, Hard, Geology

Crystal and Angelic essences are a very quick and effective way to work with crystal energy. I developed my A Touch of Light energy clearance spray so I could cleanse myself and my room quickly and effectively after working with clients and also to cleanse my crystal wands and individual crystals. As a crystal healer I have done the hard work for you you simply need to spray the essence and let it go to work.

3) Energy cleansing with the Angelic Realm.

Asking the Angels to come and cleanse our energy field of any energy that is not our own is also one of my favourite methods. Arch-Angel Michael in particular is the Arch-Angel I call upon to cut any energy cords that I feel have developed between me and another individual which are now draining me or at least no longer serving me. I also call on him to clear me of any negative thinking or thoughts that are self generated.Every night before I sleep I ask him to cleanse me of the days events and to take back fully cleansed any energy I might have given to another during the day and also return fully cleansed any energy I might have taken from another. Archangel Uriel is also a powerful angel to help clear negative thoughts and emotions so much so that he is known as the the Psychologist . Again as part of my work with energy and the Angelic realm I have created Gem essences with these two angels which simply by spraying around yourself or your environment invokes their energy instantly and lets it go to work.

4) There are numerous other methods of clearing your energy and aura such as burning white sage, sound therapy, meditation, working with light, reiki energy and symbols if you are attuned. Find the ones that work best for you but remember whatever you choose to do it is important that you make it a regular daily practice.


Children and Crystal Energy

Our Children, like ourselves, are little energy receptors and energy givers.They are affected unknowingly by the world and its events that surround them, in addition to what is happening in the individual family unit or school environment and even their own little inner world. As a result of this, they often pick up energies or debris from adults,other children,their own birthing process and the emotions of their mother as well as world events.These events can almost stick to them and lead to behavioural problems,anxiety,worry sleep problems and so much more. Listening to the news the other day, I heard a headline stating that one in four of our children suffer from mental health problems. I wondered how much of this is picked up from today’s fear-based society where expectations from all sides of life are ever increasing.

I remember when my now teenage son first started school he found the whole process totally overwhelming and when the tsunami hit in 2004 and the world went into shock and grief he just kept telling me over and over again he felt strange and wobbly and he didn’t know why.Intuitively I knew he was linking in with the worlds shock and sadness. A similar incident happened with my daughter who developed a fear of flooding and was constantly worried our house was going to be washed away by a flood despite living nowhere near water and living up a hill!. She had picked up an external related fear probably from a News report.

So obviously as parents we would like to be able to help our children clear and cope with these emotions and events which is why I was lead down a path to train as a Reiki Master and Crystal Therapist over 10 years ago. Crystals, in particular, work very well with Children’s energy as a Crystal is a very efficient absorber and transmitter of energy and can help clear away negative imprints. In general, children are attracted to the crystals without understanding any of this as they simply love the colour, the shape and the look of the crystal. They are little light beings and the energy of the crystal goes to work very quickly with them; when compared to us adults, children do not let the logical mind block the magic. Many years ago when I owned a Crystal and healing shop, I loved to see the children choose the crystal that was right for them they just intuitively knew. One memory in particular is of an 11 year old boy who frequented my shop with his crystal bible book,his mum told me his love for crystals had got him through his liver transplant and that his favourite crystal was amber.

It is through my path as a mother and a Crystal Healer that I have developed the Children’s crystal spray “Love Hugs & Crystal Bubbles” this has worked on kids of all ages from 1 week to 99 plus years! I refer to my sprays as Light therapy in a bottle as you can simply spray the essence around your child’s body, room and environment and let the crystal energy go to work. The spray will instantly start to cleanse, uplift, lighten and calm your child,it will work with your child’s unique energy system for we are all as different as snowflakes. The Crystal essence uses the crystal energies of black tourmaline, a strong crystal energy which clears negative and dense energy and heavy thoughts thereby cleansing stress and tension. It also protects against electromagnetic waves and is therefore very useful for teenagers around cell phones and computers.The crystal energies of Gold, Larimar and Rose Quartz are also used which bring the energies of love,peace and tranquillity. These crystal energies reconnect our children to the joyful and fun energies of childhood. The wonderful calming energy of lavender oil is used to fragrance the spray.

I have had loads of lovely feedback from mothers of children using the sprays but this week was very touching when a mother of a sensitive little girl , who had been very distressed and worried, met me in a shop who stocks the sprays and came and hugged me and thanked me for how much the spray has helped her little girl. She cried and said she is a “different child” needless to say I cried too.

The Love Hugs & Crystal bubbles can be purchased along with the rest of my product range at