Children and Crystal Energy


Children and Crystal Energy

Our Children, like ourselves, are little energy receptors and energy givers.They are affected unknowingly by the world and its events that surround them, in addition to what is happening in the individual family unit or school environment and even their own little inner world. As a result of this, they often pick up energies or debris from adults,other children,their own birthing process and the emotions of their mother as well as world events.These events can almost stick to them and lead to behavioural problems,anxiety,worry sleep problems and so much more. Listening to the news the other day, I heard a headline stating that one in four of our children suffer from mental health problems. I wondered how much of this is picked up from today’s fear-based society where expectations from all sides of life are ever increasing.

I remember when my now teenage son first started school he found the whole process totally overwhelming and when the tsunami hit in 2004 and the world went into shock and grief he just kept telling me over and over again he felt strange and wobbly and he didn’t know why.Intuitively I knew he was linking in with the worlds shock and sadness. A similar incident happened with my daughter who developed a fear of flooding and was constantly worried our house was going to be washed away by a flood despite living nowhere near water and living up a hill!. She had picked up an external related fear probably from a News report.

So obviously as parents we would like to be able to help our children clear and cope with these emotions and events which is why I was lead down a path to train as a Reiki Master and Crystal Therapist over 10 years ago. Crystals, in particular, work very well with Children’s energy as a Crystal is a very efficient absorber and transmitter of energy and can help clear away negative imprints. In general, children are attracted to the crystals without understanding any of this as they simply love the colour, the shape and the look of the crystal. They are little light beings and the energy of the crystal goes to work very quickly with them; when compared to us adults, children do not let the logical mind block the magic. Many years ago when I owned a Crystal and healing shop, I loved to see the children choose the crystal that was right for them they just intuitively knew. One memory in particular is of an 11 year old boy who frequented my shop with his crystal bible book,his mum told me his love for crystals had got him through his liver transplant and that his favourite crystal was amber.

It is through my path as a mother and a Crystal Healer that I have developed the Children’s crystal spray “Love Hugs & Crystal Bubbles” this has worked on kids of all ages from 1 week to 99 plus years! I refer to my sprays as Light therapy in a bottle as you can simply spray the essence around your child’s body, room and environment and let the crystal energy go to work. The spray will instantly start to cleanse, uplift, lighten and calm your child,it will work with your child’s unique energy system for we are all as different as snowflakes. The Crystal essence uses the crystal energies of black tourmaline, a strong crystal energy which clears negative and dense energy and heavy thoughts thereby cleansing stress and tension. It also protects against electromagnetic waves and is therefore very useful for teenagers around cell phones and computers.The crystal energies of Gold, Larimar and Rose Quartz are also used which bring the energies of love,peace and tranquillity. These crystal energies reconnect our children to the joyful and fun energies of childhood. The wonderful calming energy of lavender oil is used to fragrance the spray.

I have had loads of lovely feedback from mothers of children using the sprays but this week was very touching when a mother of a sensitive little girl , who had been very distressed and worried, met me in a shop who stocks the sprays and came and hugged me and thanked me for how much the spray has helped her little girl. She cried and said she is a “different child” needless to say I cried too.

The Love Hugs & Crystal bubbles can be purchased along with the rest of my product range at

About the author

Gerri administrator

Gerri is Qualified as a Reiki Master, Angelic Reiki Teacher,Crystal Healer, Hypnotherapist , Soul realignment practitioner, Spiritial Response therapist,EFT and matrix therapist and redivining the matrix therapist. Her passion is to help people to have a lighter and happier life and her channel for doing this is her individual products the A Touch of Light Crystal and Angelic room and aura sprays and all her various therapies . Her website is