Ascended Masters
Inner Child

ByMuhammad Aamir Naeem

Ascended Masters
Inner Child

£ 15.00

This spray is created to help us to reconnect to the playfulness, fun, joy and lightness of our inner child. It can help with depression, low self- esteem and sleep disorders or any stressful situation. It also contains crystals which are used to overcome illness such as obsessive compulsions, dyslexia, autism and learning difficulties. It also helps with generating love in our life starting with self love.

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This essence was made channelling the Christ Consciousness Gold energy with the Crystals of
Love. Many of our problems in adulthood stem from our childhood and as a result we still carry the
wounds which affects what is known as our inner child. This is simply our childlike presence which
may be stuck in anger or vulnerability and is holding us back through the power of our
subconscious no matter how hard we try as adults. This essence works with freeing these wounds
so we can live the life we now want to lead.


About the author

Muhammad Aamir Naeem customer