The Elemental Dance

ByMuhammad Aamir Naeem

The Elemental Dance

£ 15.00

A Touch of Lights fairy spray. It is made using the energies of crystals(emerald & moss agate) & blue and white bell flower energy.Emerald is a stone of wisdom,inspiration and infinite patience.It is known as the stone of successful love hence its popularity in engagement rings.It opens the heart chakra and calms and clears emotions.Moss agate refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty everywhere,it is also a birthing crystal and a stone of new beginnings.This essence connects you with all of these energies and also with the resonance of joy, laughter and the fun of the Fairy realm and the beauty of your own inner child. For all those who love the fun and magic of the fairies this essence brings this energy to life.

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As a little girl I use to play with and talk to the fairies at the top of my garden they were my imaginary friends. I would spend hours in my own little world digging holes in the clay planting stones talking and laughing with them. When I told my mum she said fairies don’t exist but they did and still do for me. For a while in my adult world I became like my mum and forgot about them but walking in the bluebell woods some years ago their energy called me back to them again. I created this essence so that myself and all fairy lovers would always be surrounded by this joyous realm.


About the author

Muhammad Aamir Naeem customer